2022 Eastern Peake Persuasion Syrah Rose

2022 Eastern Peake Persuasion Syrah Rose

Eastern Peake

Coghills Creek, Victoria

"The label you can see here takes inspiration from the 1996 Persuasion (rosé) label, Its hard to imagine now that in the early 1990s Dry, delicious, fresh textured rosé wasn’t all that popular. I’m glad my parents stuck to their guns & a paved the way for me to continue to produce a similar style to this day."

"The fruit for this wine is grown by long term friends Frank & Kerry Walsh, directly over the road on the same soil type as Eastern Peake weathered basalt on grey loam. Frank first established with pinot noir in 1995 then a second 1 acre planting in 2003 with Syrah (Clone PT23)."

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